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Governor Sergey Zhvachkin met with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

On April 8, Tomsk Region Governor Sergey Zhvachkin discussed priority regional projects with Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The working meeting was held in the Head's of the Government residency in Gorki (Moscow area).

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Standard & Poor's confirmed the credit rating of Tomsk Region

Rating Agency Standard & Poor's confirmed the credit rating of Tomsk Region as "BB-" on the international scale and "ruAA-" on the national scale, and the outlook as "Stable".

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Rosatom proceeded to construction of an experimental plant in Tomsk Region

In late March current year, State Corporation Rosatom launched in Tomsk Region construction of a fuel manufacturing plant for the first in the world pilot liquid metal fast reactor BREST-300 as part of Proryv Project.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

The Tomsk region presented its investment potential at an exposition in Cannes

Tomsk presented its regional and infrastructure projects to foreign investors and developers at the 25th anniversary of MIPIM-14 real estate exhibition in Cannes (France). 

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Tomsk Region Governor and the Head of Microsoft Representative Office in Russia signed a cooperation agreement

On March 20, Governor of Tomsk Region Sergey Zhvachkin and President of LLC Microsoft Rus Nikolay Pryanishnikov signed an agreement of intent in regard to IT penetration and development of modern information-oriented society.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

A resident of Tomsk Special Economic Zone made a Skype analogue for video consultations

According to him the developers tried to combine all the services required by private consultants in a single system. Video is transmitted in HD quality.

Source: RIA News Tomsk

The RF Presidential Envoy commended Tomsk region health care industry and environmental economics

Victor Tolokonsky, the RF Presidential Envoy in the Siberian Federal District, called Tomsk region one of the leaders in Health Care development and economics of renewable natural resources.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Joint-stock company “Agrarian Group” hits the top five swine producers in Russia

National Union of Swine Breeders published an annual list of top swine producers in the Russian Federation, in which Agrarian Group, registered in Tomsk region, rose to the fifth place from the seventh based on the 2013 year results.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

Tomsk region plans to increase oil production up to 20 million tons by 2030

Tomsk region plans to increase an annual oil production produced locally from 12.3 to 20 million tons by 2030.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

The largest shopping mall to be built in Tomsk by 2016

The Investment Committee of Tomsk City Administration headed by Mayor of the city of Tomsk Ivan Klein supported Zetta-Invest project for construction of a shopping mall in the northern part of the city of Tomsk at Kuzovlevsky highway and Sosnovy Bor. The mall to be commissioned in 2016.

Source: NIA-Tomsk
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