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Tomsk company launches an app for iPhone 3D pictures

Tomsk company has launched an app for iPhone and iPad, which makes 3D pictures via smartphones.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

Tomsk region gets 280 million rubles for industrial park infrastructure

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has supported Tomsk region administration request for 280 million rubles subsidy in 2014 to continue the construction of infrastructure objects of the Tomsk industrial park.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Tomsk region gets 206 million rubles from federal budget for entrepreneurial development

Following the results of Ministry of Economic Development contest among the regional programs for small and medium business development, Tomsk region gets 206 million rubles from the federal budget.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

The museum of science and technology to be built on the coast of river Tom

Sergey Zhvachkin, Tomsk region governor, has held a meeting, where the members discussed the museum of science and technology construction in Tomsk

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Siberian chemical plant JSC localizes all Russian uranium conversion on its ground

Siberian chemical plant JSC (part of Rosatom fuel refiner TVEL) localized all Russian uranium conversion, according to Sergey Tochilin, head of the plant.

Source: Regional News Agency "Tomsk" (RIA Tomsk)

Multifunctional centers and business support centers to be involved in optimization of registration in the Tomsk region

Commission on better performance of the Tomsk region in the National rating of the Russian investment climate under the direction of Andrey Antonov, deputy governor for the economy, has reviewed the options of registration optimization for enterprises and property rights.


Tomsk SEZ resident, Crystal T, enters Chinese market

June 25 - 27 in the Special Economic Zone of technology and development type “Tomsk” welcomed the Chinese delegation from Hubei province.

Source: Press Service of JSC SEZ "Tomsk ".

Tomsk region announced international contest for development of a concept of Science and Technology museum

Architects Union of Russia and Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building with the support of Administration of Tomsk region announce an open international contest for architectural and urban planning concept of Science and Technology museum.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Avic Forestry is ready to perform a large investment project in agro-industrial complex of Tomsk Region

Negotiations between the Tomsk delegation and the Chinese Avic Forestry took place within the framework of the 1st Russian-Chinese Expo. Avic Forestry is considering the possibility of creation of several agricultural production facilities.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Participants from Tomsk became the winners of the all-Russian Skonnect-2014 contest

Tomsk “Rosinnovatsiya” company took the first place in the Skonnect-2014 contest with its project “Transport TV”. The results have been drawn recently in Skolkovo. This project of a Tomsk enterprise was considered the best project of informational and communicational technologies among 65 participants from 19 regions.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration
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