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EXIAR insurance covered export contract was funded In Tomsk

The first in the region agreement with Export Insurance Agency of Russia (EXIAR) insurance coverage was signed in Tomsk.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

Italian business explores the possibilities of cooperation with the Tomsk Region

On October 2, Italian representatives from 7 consortiums and 30 companies visited Tomsk to participate in Siberian-Italian Business Forum SIBF 2014.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

The small spacecraft group consortium was set up in the Tomsk Region

Vice Governor Mikhail Sonkin signed a memorandum on cooperation of the Tomsk Region Administration with Light and Robust Constructions technological platform and JSC Information Satellite Systems.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Agricultural Government Support System is aimed to stimulate effective economy in the Tomsk Region

The Expert Council on Agro-Industrial Policy and Natural Resource Management examined the project of governmental program Agricultural and Regulating Marketing Development in Tomsk Region.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Moscow experts highly appreciated multi-functional software complex of the Tomsk foresters

On September, 24 the vice Governor Andrey Knorr conducted a conference call and presented the capabilities of a multifunctional software complex established on the basis of the regional forestry dispatch service.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

1,140 people participated in the international forum "The pharmaceuticals industry and medical products"

On September, 24  the first international forum "The pharmaceuticals industry and medical products" completed its work in the Tomsk Special Economic Zone.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Territorial innovative cluster of the Tomsk region is considered to be one of the most important in Russia

This was mentioned by the director of innovative development department of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia Artem Shadrin who arrived in Tomsk to attend the forum "Pharmaceuticals industry and medical equipment».

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

The Tomsk region shall become a site for laboratory and analytical equipment manufacturing

This statement was made by the first vice president of Farmkontrakt group of companies Aleksey Chekalov after signing agreement with Special Economic Zone "Tomsk". 

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

The Tomsk region is establishing the Space Project Development Consortium

Tomsk scientists will take part in the unique space project – constructing new generation satellites which are able to join into groups. This work will require establishment of the consortium of academic institutes, universities and enterprises.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

The Siberian Chemical Plant (SCP) issued an assembly with nitride fuel for BN-600 reactor

SCP chemical and metallurgical plant held acceptance tests of the first full-scale fuel assembly TVS-4 with nitride fuel which is designed for loading the fast-neutron reactor BN-600 – the third block of Beloyarskaya NPP.

Source: Press-Service of the Siberian Chemical Plant, OJSC
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