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Federation increased financing of the timber industry in Tomsk region.

In 2015 Federal Budget for the first time allocated money for forest management works in Tomsk region, for sanitary activities and for localization and liquidation of pestholes.

Source: Press-Service of Tomsk Region Administration.

Deputy Head of Rosatom is satisfied with the rates of "Proryv" Project realization at SCP

Preparation to construction phase of "Proryv" (Breakthrough) Project at Siberian Chemical Plant in Seversk town is going on at a good rate.

Source: "Tomsk" Regional Information Agency (Tomsk RIA)

Tomsk region is among the most sustainable regions of Russia

Subject to results as of October 2014, according to "Petersburg Policy" Fund, Tomsk region is among the regions with most stable social and political situation.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

Rosavtodor will support the construction of a Tomsk section of the Severnaya latitudinal road

Dmitry Pronchatov, Deputy Head of the Federal Road Agency, informed Sergey Zhvachkin, the Tomsk region Governor, on supporting the construction and modernization of a Tomsk section of the Severnaya (Northern) latitudinal road.

Source: Press-Service of Tomsk Region Administration.

Tomsk companies signed Agreements with Indian partners

In the course of the visit to southern Indian states the Tomsk companies "ArtLife', "Elkom+", "Center of Corporate Medicine" and "Local Engineering Systems" signed agreement on cooperation with Indian partners.

Source: Press-Service of Tomsk Region Administration.

Tomsk region advances cooperation with China in science and technologies

Representatives of Tomsk Region Administration held a meeting with Chinese companies interested in business relations with Special Economic Zone "Tomsk".

Source: Press-Service of Tomsk Region Administration.

"Gasprom" and CNPC discuss gas supply to China via Tomsk region.

On November 9, Aleksei Miller, Head of "Gasprom", and Zhou Jiping, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CNPC signed a framework agreement on natural gas supply from Russian to China.


Tomsk region will reduce the period for administrative procedures in construction

A draft law intended to reduce the period of state review of engineering documentation and of the results of engineering surveys 1.3-1.5 times has been developed in Tomsk region.

Source: Press-Service of Tomsk Region Administration

Dairy near Tomsk will start production of mozzarella and kachiotta in 2015

"Derevenskoye molochko" (Cottage milk) company plans to start production of six types of cheese, including brynza, mozzarella, suluguni, kachiotta and other soft cheeses in 2015.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

The law about Industrial parks passed the first reading in the Tomsk region

Within the fifth meeting of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk region of the V convocation deputies approved the bill "About Industrial parks in the Tomsk Region" in the first reading.

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