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Centre of Expertise on the issues related to the World Trade Organization started functioning in October this year

On October 14, 2014 a solemn opening of an independent non-profit organization "Centre of Expertise on the issues related to the World Trade Organization (WTO)" (further 'Centre') was held.


The first in RF Centre on training the specialist for housing and public utilities sector is planned to be opened in Tomsk.

According to Igor Shaturny, Deputy Governor of Tomsk region on Construction and Public Utilities, the Tomsk administration plans to open the first in the Russian Federation Centre on training the specialists in housing and public utilities sector on the base of Tomsk State Architecture and Construction University (TGASU).

Source: "Tomsk" Regional Information Agency (Tomsk RIA)

Tomsk region will become a site for testing the IT systems in forestry industry

At the All-Russia IT-meeting on "Information technologies in RF forestry industry: current state, prospective projects, and economic efficiency" the agreements between Regional Forestry Department, "Sphera System" and "Avers Inform" companies (leaders in developing the software for forestry industry) were signed.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration.

First Bakcharsky ore will be mined

At the end of 2014 Tomsk region intends to register in the State Registrar the initial reserves of Bakcharsky C2 ore in the amount of 150 million tons. Iron content in the ore after washing can exceed 60%.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration.

The law about Industrial Parks has adopted in the Tomsk region

The new document defines a mechanism of regulation of activities on the territory of Industrial parks in the Tomsk region.


Tomsk experts will tell how to avoid inspection fines at a free seminar

Valery Paderin, Ombudsman for Business Rights in Tomsk Region, organizes the free training seminar with participation of specialists of control supervisory authorities who will tell about typical faults and workarounds in supervised areas.

Source: Ombudsman for Business Rights in Tomsk Region.

Vnesheconombank announced a competition on winning of the award for contribution to the social and economic development of Russia «The development award – 2015»

State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)" announces the beginning of applications for participation in the competition on winning of the award for contribution to the social and economic development of Russia «The development award – 2015».

Source: State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)".

Companies of the Tomsk cluster will produce import-substituting products

Companies of Tomsk territorial innovations cluster "Pharmaceutics, medical equipment and information technologies" intend to increase the number of new developments, the scope of production and to enter the world market with new highly efficient innovation medicinal preparations, medical equipment, bio-composite materials, software, IT systems and software&hardware complexes.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration.

Tomsk "Virion" company will supply vaccine to Nicaragua

Representatives from Nicaragua Institute of Social Insurance visited production site of NPO "Microgen" (Scientific and Production Association "Microgen") branch in Tomsk to make familiar with NPO "Virion" products.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

The Tomsk region passed "control purchase" of ASI for introduction of the Investment Standard

Agency for Strategic Initiatives has monitored the result of introduction of the Standard of activities of the bodies of executive power of the subject of the Russian Federation on the provision of congenial investment climate in the Tomsk region.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration.
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