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Problems of import substitution in healthcare and pharmaceutical industry will be discussed within the frame of the first Tomsk international pharmaceutical forum

Michael Sonkin, deputy Tomsk region governor on scientific and educational complex and innovation Policy, told about this today, on 19 September, 2014.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Tomsk region governor Sergey Zhvachkin and deputy chairman of JSC "Gazprom"' board of directors Alexey Miller discussed cooperation

Tomsk region governor Sergey Zhvachkin met with deputy chairman of JSC "Gazprom" Alexey Miller on September 18. At the meeting in Moscow they spoke about cooperation of Tomsk region with global energy company.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Brewery near Tomsk will increase productivity by 10 times by 2019

"Kozhevnikovo Brewery" plans to increase productvity by 10 times. Investments in manufacture extension will be about 250 million rubles.

Source: RIA Tomsk.

Project "INOTomsk'2020" designated "ideal" model of cluster development on VIII Samara Interregional Economic Forum

Project "INOTomsk'2020" designated "ideal" model of cluster development on VIII Samara Interregional Economic Forum “Cluster Policy – the Basis for Innovative Development of the National Economy”.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Tomsk and Baku found joint medical enterprise

Tomsk and Baku signed an agreement to found joint Russian-Azerbaijani medical enterprise.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Belostok agricultural production cooperative to build a thousand cow dairy farm by autumn

In October-November Belostok agricultural production cooperative plans to put into operation high-tech livestock breeding a thousand forage-fed cows commercial dairy farm in Pudovka village of Krivosheino district. It's been 20 years since facilities like this have been built in the Tomsk region.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

Rosatom to take part in Radiation medicine center project

September 28, 2012 in the town of Seversk Sergey Zhvachkin, Tomsk region governor and Sergey Kiriyenko, Rosatom CEO, signed an agreement between the region authorities and State Corporation, stating that Rosatom shall invest 100 billion rubles into Tomsk region before the end of 2020.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

First Russian field for difficult reserves development on the basis of Archin deposits of the Tomsk Region

First Russian test field for difficult reserves development run will be created on the basis of Archin deposits in the Tomsk region, as was announced July 25 during the meeting of the federal working group for the actualization of the Education, research and development center INO Tomsk 2020 concept by Anatoly Verin,  Deputy CEO, chief geologist of Gazpromneft-Vostok, LLC.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

National Rating Agency publishes the review: Tomsk region investment potential

The first regional analytical review is dedicated to the Tomsk region – the only region of Siberian Federal District, listed  due to NRA 2013 rating as “high investment appeal” (IC3 group, high investment appeal – third level). According to NRA analysts, Tomsk region is now dynamically growing region, whose economic growth is based on the traditional growth drivers (natural resources and their processing), as well as the new solutions (development of innovative production, implementation of high technology, advanced investment legislature).

Source: Press Service of the National Rating Agency

Petrochemical cluster to appear in Tomsk region

Tomsk petrochemical cluster will be created based on the Northern industrial hub on the Northern ground of special economic zone “Tomsk”.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration
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