Investment News

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The Regional Authorities start a New Investment Project in Partnership with "Sibur"

Sergei Zhvachkin, the Governor of the Tomsk region, signed the investment agreement with OJSC "Sibur Holding" and LLC "Tomskneftekhim" on realization of the project on polymers production development.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

The Tomsk region is among the leaders of Research Development

The Tomsk region came in first in the rating of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) concerning the level of research investigation development, giving way only to Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Source: Press Office of the Tomsk Region Administration

The Tomsk Region improved the parameters of the life quality

The Agency RIA Rating published its annual rating of life quality among Russian regions. The Tomsk Region with a final rating score of 43,64 points, held 30th position, rising 4 points higher as compared to last year.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

The first Russian Plant for producing ceramic prostheses was opened within the special economic zone “Tomsk”

The first in Russia, the world’s second Plant of the German company MOJE Keramik-Implantate GmbH&Co producing orthopedic, dental and neurosurgical implants by using nanostructured zirconium oxide ceramics started its operations on the territory of special economical zone “Tomsk”.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

The Tomsk Region showed the best results among the regions of the Siberian Federal District in terms of investment attractiveness rating of Russian regions in 2013

The National Rating Agency has issued its regular rating of investment attractiveness among Russian regions.


Proposals for improving the investment climate in the Tomsk region were presented in the legislative Duma

Administration of the region initiated changes in the regional laws, laying down a procedure for granting of state support and additional tax benefits for investors.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

The Tomsk region to become a pilot region on difficult-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves

The Governor, Sergey Zhvachkin met with the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, Sergey Donsky in Moscow,  it was agreed that the Tomsk region will become a pilot region on studying  new methods of research and extraction of difficult-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

The Tomsk plant to launch manufacture of advanced automated gas distribution stations in complete sets

Tomsk electromechanical plant which was commissioned by LLC “Gazprom transgaz Tomsk”, started working out the issue related to creation of advanced automated gas distribution stations in complete sets.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

Tomsk Region the most socially and politically stable region in Russia

Tomsk region took the first place in the social and political stability rating among the Russian regions, prepared by the “Petersburg politics” fund. With the average Russian stability level of 6.46 балла in November the region is assigned 8.3.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Tomsk interacademic business-incubator “Druzhba” besomes the best in Russia

As part of  III Russian-American business incubator forum, taking place 18-19 November in Moscow, National Business incubators and innovational entrepreneurship Young lions awards 2013 took place. Interacademic student business incubator “Druzhba” (“Friendship”, created with Tusur University) has won the nomination “Best student business-incubator.”

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