Investment News

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“Micran” got the status of russian manufacturer of telecommunication equipment

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Fereration gave status of telecommunication equipment of Russian manufacturing to the MIK-RL digital radio relay stations designed and manufactured by CJSC "Research and production company "Micran”.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

Ten new projects in SEZ “Tomsk” in 2013

In 2013 in SEZ”Tomsk” appeared ten new projects with total volume of about 900 million rubles investment. At the end of the year there will be 60 SEZ residents registered.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

SEZ "Tomsk" residents saved 30 Million Rubles through Customs Privileges

The sum of privileges payable of the customs payments by the residents of the special technology development economic zone "Tomsk" was more than 30 million rubles in 2013.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

13 out of 15 Provisions of the Investment Standard are effective in the Tomsk Region

The Expert Committee controlled by the Deputy Governor on the investment policy and property relations discussed the results of implementation of the Standard of government authority performance regarding provision of favorable investment climate in the region.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

New Road to the Tomsk Airport from the South ground of SEZ "Tomsk" may appear by 2017

The new road from the Academic Town to the airport is on the agenda. The designing is planned for 2014. The road laying is planned for 2015-2016. Earlier the cost was estimated at 6 billion rubles.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

It will be easier to document the import of goods for SEZ residents from 2014

In the Tomsk Region 60 residents who manufactured in 2013 a number of goods that passed customs procedure for 10.2 million dollars were registered (increase by 27% in comparison with the last year). The residents will get benefits for goods import if the imported goods amount to over 30 million rubles.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

The Main Part of the Infrastructure is built in the Tomsk Industrial Park

Igor Schaturniy, the Vice Governor for construction and infrastructure, held a meeting on construction of the Tomsk industrial park where its participants summarized the work in 2013 and discussed prospect for the next 2014 year.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

In the Tomsk Region the Construction of the Natural Gas Liquefaction Plant will start

Leonid Reznikov, the Vice Governor for industry and fuel and energy complex held a meeting with representatives of OJSC "Gazprom" on execution of the large investment project - liquefied gas infrastructure development in the districts Bakchar, Podgornoye, Teguldet and Voronovka in Shegarsk.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Creation of the New District of Business Activity in Tomsk SEZ is planned

On the territory of the South ground of the Special Economic Zone "Tomsk" the construction sites of the administrative, business and exhibition center, sport objects and social domestic buildings were allocated.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

The territory of SEZ "Tomsk" will increase by 139 ha

The Tomsk Mayor's Office considered the planning designs of the reserve areas of SEZ with total area of 139 ha.

Source: NIA-Tomsk
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