Investment News

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Rape Manufacturing Plant with 60,000 Ton per Year Capacity to Be Constructed in Tomsk Region

The plant is planned to be constructed at Mezheninovskaya poultry farm in Tomsk district.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Manufacturing in Tomsk Region Gains 9.8 per cent

According to Tomskstat, industrial manufacturing in Tomsk Region in the first half of 2018 increased by 1.4% relevant to the same period of the last year. Manufacturing increased by 9.8%.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Two Tomsk Companies Receive State Support

Coordination Council for the Investment Activity Support and Provision of Public Guarantees took a decision to provide state support for two companies

Source: Tomsk Region Department for Investment

Ministry of Economic Development Evaluates Special Economic Zone Tomsk Efficiency as 100 per cent

According to the estimation of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, since the beginning of operation Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Tomsk increased its efficiency by 100%.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk Companies Present Solutions for Gazpromneft Digitalisation

Digitalization session involving OOO Gazpromneft NTC representatives was held in Tomsk.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Gazpromneft Introduces New Technology for Difficult Reserves Development in Tomsk Region

Specialists of Scientific Technical Center of Gazpromneft and Gazpromneft-Vostok specialists carried out the first repeated hydraulic fracture using special chemicals and new generation polymers in Archinsky deposit in Parabelsky district. Further replication of the technology can increase the oil output at carbonate deposits up to 50%, such deposits account for 40% of extractable reserves of the company.

Source: Admistration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk Governor and Chinese Ambassador Put High Value on Collaboration Prospects

Governor of Tomsk Region Sergey Zhvachkin and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of People's Republic of China to Russia Lee Huei held a working meeting in the region administration office.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Quality Growth of "Nature Economics" to Ensure Industry and Science Collaboration Development

The participants of expert technology session of Tomsk innovative industrial cluster of renewable resources involving vice-governors Andrey Knorr and Lyudmila Ogorodova concluded that quality growth of "Nature economics" will ensure the collaboration development of the industry and science.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk Region Expands Partnership with Inter RAO

The partnership of Tomsk Region Administration and PAO Inter RAO keeps developing. Deputy Governor for Industrial Policy Igor Shaturny held a working meeting with a member of the Board and Production Manager of PAO Inter RAO Pavel Okley and representatives of Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Gazprom Investments to Gas Infrastructure Development of Tomsk Region Exceed One Billion Rubles in 2017

Gazprom Investments to Gas Infrastructure Development of Tomsk Region Exceed One Billion Rubles in 2017.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region
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