Investment News

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Sibcabel Has Launched the Production of Cables Using the Latest Insulation Materials

On October 25, Igor Shaturny, Deputy Governor of Tomsk Oblast for Industrial Policy, Sergey Yakornov, OOO "UGMK-Holding" Deputy Technical Director, Arkady Rudoy, CEO of  "Holding Cabelnyy Alyans", and Alexei Zhuzhin, CEO of "Sibcabel", opened a new production facility at Sibcabel plant.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Manufacturing of Gas Piston Power Plants Has Opened in the Tomsk Oblast

The Neotechnika company (the subsidiary of the Nizhny Novgorod Sintek holding) has launched the production of small gas piston power plants in the village of Kopylovo, Tomsk Oblast. This is the first production of power plants with a test site beyond the Urals.

Source: RIA Tomsk

The All-Russian Atomists Conference Opened in the Tomsk Oblast

On October 11 and 12, the leaders of the Rosatom state corporation and its organizations, the leaders of the Proryv project, nuclear industry workers, government officials, scientific and business experts discussed the prospects for new nuclear power technologies in Tomsk, including in comparison with other types of generation.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Governor Introduced European Ambassadors to Tomsk Innovative Business

On October 8, Tomsk Oblast governor Sergei Zhvachkin invited diplomats from 18 EU countries and the European Union’s Ambassador in Russia, Marcus Ederer, to the Tomsk Special Technology and Innovation Economic Zone.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk Region to Hold Meeting of EU Countries Ambassadors

Ambassadors and top officials of EU countries in October will hold a meeting in Tomsk.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Industrial Park Resident Benefits

Tomsk Region industrial park residents will be able to receive tax benefits under a simplified mechanism.

Source: Tomsk Region Legislative House

Industrial Park Tomsk Receives Two New Residents

Coordination board for investment activity support and public guarantees  took a decision to assign the status of resident of industrial part Tomsk to OOO GeoTechnoNovatsii and OOO Sportcomplect.

Source: Tomsk Region Department for Investment

Gazpromneft Successfully Tests High Tech Boring

In Tomsk Region Gazpromneft-Vostok company has successfully tested controlled pressure technology for horizontal layer boring in Paleozoic formations.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Chinese Manufacturer of Medical Items Can Appear in Special Economic Zone Tomsk

Double Medical Technology Inc. from The People's Republic of China considers Special Economic Zone Tomsk as the platform for local production of medical items.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk District to Obtain New Modern Potato Storage

Kolpakov company, one of the biggest potato farms of the region schedules to construct a storage with the capacity of 2.5 thousand tons per year in 2018-2019.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region
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