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Tomsk Region Governor Held the First Supervisory Board of the Cross-industrial Centre

On April 10, Tomsk region Governor Sergey Zhvachkin held in the region's administration the first meeting of the supervisory board of the Cross-industry joint technology development centre, which the head of the region established along with National Research Tomsk State University and National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk Agricultural Cooperatives Receiving Additional State Support

The current and new measures of state support for agricultural cooperatives were discussed by the participants of the “Rural partnership as a development path” discussion, held within the framework of the VII Rural Assembly of the Tomsk Region.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk Agricultural Industry to Introduce Technologies of "Smart" Agriculture

As noted by Andrei Knorr, the Deputy Governor of Tomsk Region for agro-industrial policy and environmental management, a critical amount of quality in production, investment activity and budget revenue has been accumulated to move the agro-industrial complex of the Tomsk region to a new stage of development.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk Region Governor has Designated a New Working Area For Constructors

Tomsk Region Governor Sergey Zhvachkin at the administration of the region held a meeting with the heads of building companies, heads of municipalities and bankers, where he tasked construction industry in the implementation of national projects.


Tomsk Region Governor and First Deputy Head of "Rosatom" Signed new Agreement

The signing of a new cooperation agreement between the Tomsk Region and the Rosatom State Corporation was held on March 26 at the Museum of the History of the Siberian Chemical Combine in the Closed Administrative-Territorial Unit of Seversk.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk Region Ratings Confirmed at 'BB-' Level

The international rating agency S & P Global Ratings confirmed the long-term ratings of Tomsk Region at the level of "BB-", with a stable outlook.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk Plant TIZ plans technical re-equipment of manufacture

Tomsk plant OOO "Tomsky Instrumentalnyi zavod" (TIZ) plans to spend up to three billion rubles for technical re-equipment within ten years.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk Exporters Will Receive State Support

State support is provided within the framework of the implementation of the federal project “Industrial Export” of the national project “International Cooperation and Export” and is rendered in order to increase the export volume of competitive industrial products.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

The Governor of the Tomsk Region Met With the Co-chairman of "Business Russia"

On March 6, the governor of Tomsk Region, Sergey Zhvachkin, and the co-chairman of the public organization “Business Russia”, Sergey Generalov, held a working meeting in the regional administration.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Center For Youth Innovative Creativity Was Established in the Special Economic Zone "Tomsk"

Center for Youth Innovative Creativity Intellect was established in the Special Economic Zone "Tomsk". The center was created by the Tomsk State University in partnership with the administration of the Tomsk Region and the Tomsk administration in the framework of the project of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region
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