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Tomsk Research And Educational Center Was Presented at the “Technoprom-2019” Forum

At the Technoprom-2019 international forum, the Deputy Governor of the Tomsk Region for Economics Andrei Antonov spoke about the tasks of creating a scientific and educational center in the Tomsk Region.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

The Competence Center in the Field of Agricultural Cooperation And Support For Farmers Was Created

The main task of the new structure created in the framework of the national project “Small and Medium Enterprises” is to support farmers, private farmsteads and agricultural cooperatives of the Tomsk Region in obtaining grants for the creation and development of farms.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk Region is in the Top Five Regions Where the Selection of the "UMNIK-Digital Russia" Competition Will Take Place

The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology (Innovation Promotion Fund) has identified the Tomsk Region as one of five sites where regional selection will take place for participation in the all-Russian competition "UMNIK - Digital Russia".

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk High-tech Companies Will Receive 97 Million From the Innovation Promotion Fund

Innovation Promotion Fund has summed up the results of the second stage of competitive selection in 2019.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

New Forms of State Support For Emergent Farmers And Small Businesses

A new form of state support for emergent farmers and small businesses startup appeared in 2019.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

The Administrations of the Tomsk Region And PAO “Gazprom Neft” Discussed the Progress of the “Paleozoy” Project

Representatives of the Tomsk Region Administration and PAO “Gazprom Neft” discussed the implementation of a joint agreement on the development of technologies for finding hard-to-recover oil reserves.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

The Discussion of Production Specialization of the Tomsk Region

A three-day strategic session “Production Specialization of Tomsk Region 2035” was held in the Tomsk Region.

Source: Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

The Governor of Tomsk Oblast and the Head of SIBUR Signed a Cooperation Agreement

The Governor of Tomsk Oblast Sergey Zhvachkin and the Head of the Board of PAO SIBUR Holding Dmitry Konov signed a cooperation agreement for 2019-2021.

Source: Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk Oblast Promotes Cooperation With PAO Gazprom Neft

As part of the implementation of the roadmap “Expanding the use of high-tech products of organizations in Tomsk Oblast, including import-substituting products,” Deputy Governor for Industrial Policy Igor Shaturny held a working meeting with representatives of PAO Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

The Final Stage of the Authority Transfer For Managing the OEZ to the Regional Level Has Started

Central Bank of Russia decided upon the state registration of an additional issue of ordinary registered uncertified shares of AO “SEZ TVT Tomsk”.

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