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Governors of Tomsk and Tokyo Discuss Collaboration

Governor of Tomsk Region Sergey Zhvachkin on his working visit to Japan has held a working meeting with governor of Tokyo Yuriko Koike.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk Region Governor and Russian Ambassador to Japan to have held Working Meeting in Tokyo

Governor of Tomsk Region Sergei Zhvachkin met in Tokyo with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Japan Mikhail Galuzin.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

The Nuclear Reactor BREST-300 will be built in Seversk in 2019

The construction of nuclear reactor "BREST-300" within the project "Proriv" at the Siberian Chemical plant (a part of fuel company RosAtom "TVEL") in Seversk can begin in 2019.

Source: RIA Tomsk

Tomsk Region Embraces over 50 Investment Projects Costing 350 Billion Rubles

There are over 50 investment projects being implemented in Tomsk Region with total cost of 350 billion rubles.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region

Tomsk Region Increases the Volume of Non-Energy Export

Customs statistics recorded a growth on 16.3 % of the regional export of Tomsk region in January – February 2018 in comparison with the same period last year.

Source: Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Tomsk Manufactures Increased a Volume of deliveries of the Company “Gazpromneft-Vostok” in 8 times

Igor Shaturny, Tomsk region deputy-governor on manufacturing policy, discussed with the management of the company “Gazpromneft-Vostok” results of implementation of the “road map” for extension of using Tomsk production in PAO “Gazprom neft” units in 2017 and other essential ways of cooperation.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk Region Included Into a Quantity of Regions With the High Effectiveness of Multifunctional Centers

Tomsk region became a part of the quantity of regions with the high effectiveness of Multifunctional centers work for 2017 by results of the rating of Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation, took more than 90 points of 100.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Rankings of Tomsk Region Are Confirmed at the «ВВ-» Level

International rating agency S&P Global Ratings have confirmed ratings of Tomsk region at the «ВВ-» level, a forecast at ratings is stable.

Source: Tomsk Region Administration

In the Tomsk Region the Preparation Continue for Complex Cadastral Work

In the Tomsk Region the preparation continue for complex cadastral work, which will resolve many problems.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

The Business Invested 135 Million Rubles to the Processing of Wild Plants

On the village meeting the Tomsk region Governor Sergey Zhvachkin signed new opportunities for the rural economic.


Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region
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