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Tomsk experience in supporting small and medium-sized businesses was marked by the Ministry of Economic Development of the RF

On 3 October 2013 at the meeting in the Ministry of Economic Development of the RF Tomsk experience in supporting export-oriented small and medium-sized businesses was presented as one of the best Russian practices in supporting foreign economic activity of enterprises.


Overall investments into the gasification of the region by 2018 will reach 13, 8 billion roubles

Due to implementation of a Gas Supply Program the level of gasification in the Tomsk region will grow twofold by 2018, Dmitry Veys, the Chairman of the Regional Committee on Gasification reported. 

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Stroytehinnovatsii THBC is starting to construct premises in the Tomsk special economical zone

"Stroytehinnovatsii THBC" LLC granted permission for construction and started work on building of its own premises in the Southern area of the Tomsk special economical zone.

Source: NIA-Tomsk

The newest reactor at Siberian Chemical Plant (SCP) will cost 64 billion rubles

The creation of pilot and demonstration energy complex as part of reactor unit BREST-300, that will be working on the brand new fuel, is included in specialized federal target program, the cost of the project is estimated as 64 billion rubles.

Source: RIA News

TSUAB is a leading industry university according to h-index

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (TSUAB) has become the leader in the Russian h-index rating for universities with the value of 16.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Crystal T building in Tomsk SEZ to be commissioned by the end of 2014

Crystal T, the SEZ resident, continues the construction of production facility on the SEZ South ground.  

Source: Press Service of JSC "SEZ" Tomsk "

Transit traffic via Vakh river bridge will be open in 2014

Leonid Reznikov, deputy governor of the Tomsk region for industry and fuel and energy complex and Maksim Tynyanov, head of department of transport, road management and communication visited Strezhevoy.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Valuable fish species center will be built in Shegarsky District of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk authorities have accented the ground for Valuable fish species center: the center will be built in the Shegarsky District of the Tomsk Region, as reported by Interfax-Siberia as quoted by deputy governor for  agroindustrial complex and natural resource management Andrey Knorr.

Source: NIA Tomsk

Tomsk universities in the World universities rating

The QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) rating features National research Tomsk state university and Tomsk polytechnic university.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Four Tomsk universities among the hundred best Russian universitie

Four Tomsk universities — National research Tomsk state university and Tomsk polytechnic university, Tomsk state university of control systems and radioelectronics and  Siberian state medical university — joined the ranks of a  100 best Russian universities, prepared by Expert rating agency. 

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region Administration
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