Investment News

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Tomsk region forms the forest resource base to open new production facilities

The potential of the forest-resource base, the issues of wood waste utilization and the role of cooperation in the forest industry complex of the region were discussed by the working group supporting the investment project of Asinovsky forestry industrial park headed by the Deputy Governor Andrew Knorr.


Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

"Auchan" picks the sites for the projects in Tomsk

The Development Director of "Auchan Retail Russia" Emmanuel Zhilyar and the director general of "Immoashan Russia" Thierry Leconte met on July 12 with the Deputies Vice-Governor of the Tomsk Region Yuri Gurdin and Eugene Parshuto.


Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

Tomsk Region and the Embassy of Israel will establish a working group to promote cooperation

The Tomsk Region Administration and the Israeli Embassy in Russia will create a working group to organize joint projects in various fields.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

Tomsk region established the first in Russia private industrial park with foreign participation

The Regional Coordinating Council for the support of investment activity and the provision of state guarantees has decided on awarding the Asinovsky forestry industry park the status of private industrial park. Such decision was made by the council having considered and discussed the initiative of CJSC RosKitInvest.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

The resident development of the Tomsk special economic zone made the 100 of best inventions of Russia

The "Operating device of the screw rotor machine" development was awarded a prestigious diploma.

Source: JSC "Special technology and innovation economic zone "Tomsk"

A special investment project has been signed with "Tomsk engineering technology"

On June 21, 2016 a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the conclusion of special investment contracts was held under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Gleb Nikitin.


Source: Press office of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Tomsk region makes the top 15 regions in terms of the competition development

Tomsk region ranked the 15th place in the ranking of the heads of regions in terms of promotion of the competition development in 2015.


Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

The first Robotics Center in Russia was opened in Tomsk

The Siberian Center is located in the Tomsk special technology development economic area and is headed by Vladislav Sychkov.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

Tomsk region will support two energy investment projects

The project of the JSC "TomskRTS" envisages the construction of the heating main to the new residential development in the settlement of Zonalny, fitted out with the modern system of remote monitoring of pipelines condition.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

Tomsk Instrument Plant will receive state support from the regional budget for the creation of the high-tech manufacturing facilities

Tomsk Instrument Plant (TIZ) will receive a grant from the regional budget for the creation of the high-tech production of the import-substituting cutting tools; the appropriate document was signed by the governor Sergey Zhvachkin.

Source: Press office of the Tomsk region administration.
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