Investment News

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"Tomskneftekhim" opened a modernized polymer production

On September, 15, the Governor of the Tomsk region Sergey Zhvachkin, the Chairman of the board of OJSC "NOVATEK", the head of the board of directors of PJSC "SIBUR Holding" Leonid Michelson, the chairman of the board of directors of "SIBUR" LLC Dmitry Konov and the Deputy Minister of Energy Kirill Molodtsov opened the modernized complex for the production of polypropylene and polyethylene at the site "Tomskneftekhim".

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

The experts of the Russian Geographical society praised the opportunities for the development of domestic tourism in Siberia

The retreat session of the Russian Geographical Society commission, dedicated to the prospects of development of domestic and incoming tourism in the Siberian regions, took place on September 9 in Tomsk region.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

Tomsk region forms a timber cluster

The advantages of the cluster approach in the development of the wood industry clusters were discussed by the heads of more than 40 companies, which are the potential participants of this association at the meeting in the regional department of forestry.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

Tomsk companies have agreed to cooperate with Vietnamese enterprises

Within the framework of the business program the Tomsk representatives held the presentations and business talks in the trade representative office of Russia in Vietnam, in the Chamber of Trade and Industry of Vietnam, Tecotec Instruments, Interflour Group, Vinafco shipping holdings, state corporation of Shipbuilding industry, and at the Song Thu Shipyard.

Source: Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Tomsk region intends to become a "pilot" in the use of private-public partnership for agriculture

The questions of private-public partnership in the field of agriculture have become the main ones on the kick-off meeting of the representatives of the main office of JSC "Gazprombank" (Moscow), the authorities, municipalities, agricultural manufacturers, consulting companies,antimonopoly service, and the agrarian universities.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

The first resident of the Tomsk industrial park started the construction of the production facilities

"The horizontal job-site layout was made, the road was filled, the foundation was prepared and the materials for the construction of the building, pre-fabricated steel constructions, were purchased.


The company "MOJE Keramik-Implante" launches the full implants production cycle

In "Tomsk" special economic area the full cycle of production of the ceramic prosthetic devices for feet and hands will be arranged.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

The "investment chain" is being worked out in the Tomsk region for the development of the translational medicine

 The development of the pharmaceutical industry is one of the priorities of industrial development in the country.


Tomsk region will support the investment project on the development of "difficult" oil

The Gazpromneft-Vostok company began development of four fields in the South Pudinsky license area where the innovative technologies are used in drilling wells and extracting "difficult" oil.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

Tomsk governor presented to the President and the experts of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives the unmanned aircraft project

The governor of Tomsk region Sergey Zhvachkin attended a meeting of the Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region
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