Investment News

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Tomsk Enterprises Can Receive “Industrial Mortgage”

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation launched a new mechanism of support for industrial enterprises - “industrial mortgage”


“One needs to come here, build here, develop industrial production here…”

A visit from the prosecutor of the Tomsk Region, Semenov A.N. to the industrial park “Tomsk” took place on October 14th


Tomsk Farmers To Receive Support For Producing Oil Crops

The government of the Russian Federation directed additional means in the amount of 4.8 bln. roubles for stimulating oil crop production


Tomsk Region Discusses Atomic Cities Investment Potential

A round table devoted to the topic of “Atomic cities.  From the potential of the people to development of the territory” took place on the 28 September at the International Culture Center of Tomsk Polytechnic University.  Regional and industry branch experts participated in the discussion


Tomskneftehim Invests Billion Rubles Into Modernizing Equipment

One of the enterprises of SIBUR in Tomsk – Tomskneftehim completed the planned shutdown maintenance and realized the project of conversion to increased repair interval


Tomsk Region And Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk To Develop Cooperation

The acting governor of the Tomsk Region, Vladimir Mazur, at the XI St. Petersburg International Gas Forum signed an agreement on cooperation and interaction with the general director of OOO Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk, Vladislav Borodin


Tomsk Region Head And Digital Russia Coordinator Discuss State Support And Industry Development With Tomsk IT Community

September 6th the acting governor of the Tomsk Region, Vladimir Mazur, conducted a work meeting with the coordinator of the federal project Digital Russia, Anton Nemkin


Oriented Strand Boards Production Plant Begins Work At OOO Monolit Stroy Production Complex

On September the 2nd Vladimir Mazur opened a facility producing Oriented Strand Boards in Tomsk


Tax Breaks Law For Special Investment Contracts Participants Passed

A regional law has been passed which provides for rendering tax breaks to the participants of regional special investment contracts (SPIK)


Tomsk Platform Becomes International Marketplace Of Russian Export Center

The platform, developed by a Tomsk company, joined the ranks of accredited partner international marketplaces of Russian Export Center (REC)

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