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Tomsk Governor And Deputy Prosecutor General Discuss Problems And Development Perspectives With Special Economic Zone Residents

The Tomsk Region governor, Sergei Zhvachkin, and the deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Dmitriy Demeshin, conducted a meeting with residents of the SEZ of technology and innovation in Tomsk 


Tomsk Region To Repair More Than Two Hundred And Forty Kilometers Of Highway In 2022 National Road Project

The Tomsk Region will bring into compliance more than 240 kilometers of street and road network in 2022 through a national project to create safe and high-quality roads


Tomsk Region Credit Rating Confirmed At ruBBB+

Rating agency "Expert RA" confirmed the Tomsk Region credit rating at ruBBB+


New Resident Of Tomsk Industrial Park To Build Wild Herb Processing Factory

A new resident – Alfavit Zdorovya company entered the Berezovaya site territory of the industrial park Tomsk


In 2021 Tomsk Enterprises Made Export Contracts With Thirty Four Countries

Russian export center drew preliminary conclusions on the work done by the regional centers of export support in 2021 


Three Companies Prolong ASEZ Tomsk Resident Status

At the end of December 2021, three companies prolonged the agreements related to performing activities connected with technological development at the territory of the Special Economic Zone Tomsk


Seventeen Residents Register In Priority Social and Economic Development Area Seversk

ZapSibCabel company signed an agreement with AO Atom-TOR on conducting activities on the territory of PSEDA Seversk


Tomsk Manufacturers Deliver Thirty-Five Billion Rubles Worth Production To Largest Russian Companies In 2021

In 2021 enterprises of the Tomsk Region delivered 35 bln rubles worth of production to the largest vertically integrated holdings of Russia


The Government Allocates More Than Eight Million Rubles In Additional Funds For Tomsk Region To Develop The Road Infrastructure

The Tomsk region in 2022-2023 will receive additional 839.1 mln rubles from the federal center


Electric Power Supply Objects Commissioned For Operation In ASEZ Tomsk

On the southern site of ASEZ Tomsk, the second start-up facility of the on-site power network has been commissioned for operation

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