Investment News

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The Coordination Council approves the state support for investors

The Coordination Council for support of investment activities approved the state support through subsidies to reimburse some of the costs of three projects


RT-tehnologii Company Becomes New Resident In Special Economic Zone Tomsk

The enterprise will produce shielding and absorbing materials for special application in the special economic zone Tomsk


Russian Federation Presidential Envoy and Tomsk Governor Evaluate Speed of Atomic Project Proryv (Breakthrough) Delivery

During the work trip to the Tomsk Region, RF presidential envoy in Siberian Federal District (SFO) Anatoliy Serishev and governor Vladimir Mazur visited Closed Administrative-Territorial Unit Seversk


Coordination Board Approves Providing State Support to Investor

The coordination board on supporting investment activities considered the project of OOO Companiya Escimos and approved provision of state support to the investor


Tomsk Governor Discusses With Exporters Problems and Perspectives of Work On Global Market

The Governor of the Tomsk Region, Vladimir Mazur conducted a meeting of the Council on export development, where he discussed the possibility of broadening the supply of products to the world market with local exporters


Advanced Special Economic Zone Severs Leads In Number of Residents and The Sum of Attracted Investment

At the online conference “Atomic cities. New opportunities for business in the modern conditions, the residents of ASEZ Seversk we given forms and instruments for supporting investors


Vladimir Mazur Orders To Develop Program Of Creation New Subfield of Microelectronics

The governor of the Tomsk Region, Vladimir Mazur, conducted a round table called “Technological leadership of the Russian Federation: breakthrough solutions of the Big University of Tomsk - microelectronics of multispectral quantum radiography”


First Regional IT Park Opens in Tomsk

On the 9th of November, Vladimir Mazur opened the first regional private IT-park  Gertsen, which unified academic organisations, innovation sphere and high technology production


Guarantee Fund Helps Tomsk Businesses Get 1.4 Billion Rubles Worth In Loans Year To Date

During the last ten months of 2022 the Tomsk Region's Guarantee Fund provided sixty-five guarantees four-hundred million roubles worth


Investment Protection And Inducement

Draft regulations of the Tomsk Region Administration have been developed with the goal of providing the opportunity for the investors to reach agreements for protection and inducement of investment in the Tomsk Region

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