10 Plots For Residents Were Prepared in Priority Social and Economic Development Area in Closed Administrative-Territorial Unit Seversk


The administration of Tomsk Region and the authorities of Seversk have prepared ten plots with a total area of 130 hectares for residents of the Priority Social and Economic Development Area established in Seversk.

Priority Social and Economic Development Area specializes in high-tech chemistry, the medical industry, nuclear materials, engineering and IT. It is expected that private investment will amount to about 12 billion rubles, it is planned to create about 1.5 thousand jobs, and Tomsk region will send 87 million rubles within two years to create the infrastructure of Priority Social and Economic Development Area.

The head of the Closed Administrative-Territorial Unit administration Seversk, Nikolay Didenko, said that documents that give a number of tax preferences for residents have already been adopted at the moment. "We are ready to provide everything necessary for new investors. Issues that primarily dependent on the municipality, relate to engineering infrastructure. And we are ready. We will solve issues that depend on us," he said.

Priority Social and Economic Development Area in Seversk will be managed by Atom-TOR, a subsidiary of Rosatom. The regional authorities are faced with the task of opening the office of the management company within two months so that the first residents receive status and start work by the fall.

Currently, 16 companies are applying for the status of residents of Seversk Priority Social and Economic Development Area. The minimum amount of investment by each of the residents in the development of production should be 10 million rubles within three years from the date of inclusion of the legal entity in the relevant register. Residents will be released from a number of taxes.

Source: RIA Tomsk
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