Tomsk region is among the top regions by export dynamics of small and medium businesses


Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on the results of 2015 included the Tomsk region in the top regions by export dynamics of small and medium businesses.

"Tomsk region together with Tyumen, Tatarstan, Udmurtia and Chuvashia are among the five Russian regions-leaders that demonstrated growth rates in export-oriented small and medium enterprises", - said Elena Nazarova, the deputy director of the Department of foreign economic activity coordination, development and regulation of the Ministry of Economic Development.


According to the regional business development program on the basis of Tomsk Chamber of Commerce is formed the infrastructure for supporting of export-oriented small and medium businesses. Support activities include consulting in the mode of "one window", training seminars with the best Russian experts in the sphere of foreign economic activities, organization of business missions and meeting of foreign delegations, assistance in searching of business partners and preparation of materials in foreign languages.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration
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