Five enterprises will receive regional subsidies


As a result of the competitive selection for the provision of subsidies to the small and medium-sized enterprises for the creation, development and modernization of production, five enterprises will receive support for the total amount of about RUR 14 million.

11 companies out of 19 applications were allowed to participate in selection, and five of which were recognized winners.

"Beform" Construction materials plant" LLC will receive RUR 2.8 million for the asphalt concrete factory modernization and the launch of the stone matrix asphalt production. "Sava" Trade and Production Complex will be allocated a grant of RUR 2.5 million for the organization of large-scale production of fillings for the confectionery and dairy industries. Approximately RUR 3 million for the modernization of production will be granted to "Tomsk furniture facades" LLC and "Ecofactory "Siberian cedar". Nearly RUR 2.7 million will be the subsidy for the SPA "ReaSib" for the production of the drilling fluid reagents.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region
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