Year 2016

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Tomsk region makes the top 15 regions in terms of the competition development

Tomsk region ranked the 15th place in the ranking of the heads of regions in terms of promotion of the competition development in 2015.


Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

The first Robotics Center in Russia was opened in Tomsk

The Siberian Center is located in the Tomsk special technology development economic area and is headed by Vladislav Sychkov.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

Tomsk region will support two energy investment projects

The project of the JSC "TomskRTS" envisages the construction of the heating main to the new residential development in the settlement of Zonalny, fitted out with the modern system of remote monitoring of pipelines condition.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk region

Tomsk Instrument Plant will receive state support from the regional budget for the creation of the high-tech manufacturing facilities

Tomsk Instrument Plant (TIZ) will receive a grant from the regional budget for the creation of the high-tech production of the import-substituting cutting tools; the appropriate document was signed by the governor Sergey Zhvachkin.

Source: Press office of the Tomsk region administration.

Chinese party approved a project implementation to create Asinovsky forestry industrial park

The specialists of the Committee for the Control and Management of State Property of the PRC (SASAC) have completed the inspection of work of the CJSC "RosKitInvest" and expressed readiness to continue cooperation with the Tomsk region in the development of forest resources.

Source: Press office of the Tomsk region administration.

Entrepreneurs are invited to individual consultations

Entrepreneurs are invited to individual consultations, which will take place on April 26 at 16:00 pm.


"Roskitinvest" attracts new investors to the development of the timber park

The Chinese company "Hubei Provincial United Investment Group" is ready to participate in the expansion of production facilities and infrastructure of the Asino timber industrial park.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Tomsk small and medium business goes to India markets

Delegation of Tomsk small and medium enterprises visited the most southern Indian state - Kerala.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Tomsk region is among the top regions by export dynamics of small and medium businesses

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on the results of 2015 included the Tomsk region in the top regions by export dynamics of small and medium businesses.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration

Staff for the improvement of the business environment conditions works in the Tomsk region

The objective of staff is to evaluate the actual situation in each segment of business activity, identify the problems and fix them quickly.

Source: Press-Service of the Tomsk Region Administration
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