The first in RF Centre on training the specialist for housing and public utilities sector is planned to be opened in Tomsk.


According to Igor Shaturny, Deputy Governor of Tomsk region on Construction and Public Utilities, the Tomsk administration plans to open the first in the Russian Federation Centre on training the specialists in housing and public utilities sector on the base of Tomsk State Architecture and Construction University (TGASU).

The first youth forum on "Specialists for housing and public utilities sector" is held in Tomsk. Its main topics are: development of public control in the housing and public utilities sector, involvement of youth into the sector reforms, training the specialists for housing and public utilities sector, functioning of public inspectors in housing and public utilities sector in Tomsk.

"Right now together with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Construction we intend to offer to organize in Tomsk a  Centre for training and advanced training of specialists for housing and public utilities sector for Siberia and the Far East. In my opinion, we have a base for training, specialists and professors who are capable of organizing it in the shortest time", explained I. Shaturny.

He added that at present this sector badly needs well-trained managers. "And today they are trained nowhere. There is a demand for housing stock managers who would know legislation, could form a team, organize the process and be able to work with public", stressed the Vice-Governor.

According to him, currently in Russia there is no system for training specialists for housing and public utilities sector that meet present-day level of technologies development. "After introduction of new technologies, upgrading, say, the boiler houses we need professionals to maintain them", said I.Shaturny.

Vice-Governor also noted that if the initiative is approved, Tomsk will become the first city in Russia that will have a special centre for training specialists for housing and public utilities sector. "We also want to open a specialized centre where the training will be systematic and scientifically grounded", added he.

Source: "Tomsk" Regional Information Agency (Tomsk RIA)
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