Tomsk Region and Denmark to enhance cooperation in energy saving


Tomsk Region Governor Sergey Zhvachkin had a working meeting with Danish Ambassador to Russia Tom Risdahl Jensen. The two leaders discussed the accumulated experience of cooperation and possibilities to enhance it.

The Danish delegation headed by the Ambassador to Russia is taking part in the 15th Tomsk Crossregional Congress "Energy Saving 2012". Denmark's experience in implementing energy efficiency solutions became another subject of the Governor's meeting with the Ambassador. Denmark has extensive experience in applying energy efficiency technologies which reduce environmental impact and optimize power facilities operation costs. A number of Danish companies such as Grundfos, Kamstrup and Danfoss already have presence in the region. For example, Tomsk housing construction companies together with Danfoss have built a kindergarten in Tomsk using energy efficiency technologies.

"Tomsk Region has got the greatest R&D development potential. We are taking part in the Congress with our companies specializing in energy efficiency technologies and we intend to expand our cooperation horizons here," Tom Risdahl Jensen summarized the meeting.

"Projects presented by our Danish partners, especially "green power" projects would prove useful in every corner of Tomsk Region. We have met with Mr. Jensen today to "synchronize watches" and make sure we are moving in the same direction. Our "watches" are set to the same time. We have only one task – to maintain the "bridge" between the businesses of the two countries," commented Sergey Zhvachkin.

Source: NovoTomsk
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