Tomsk an attractive investment for globally known companies


Tomsk Mayor Nikolay Nikolaychuk reported on the socioeconomic development of the city and presented first results of the new approach to attracting investments.

"We welcomed METRO and Veolia, consulted with Deloitte & Touche, and held meetings with the world's biggest corporations such as Philips, REMONDIS, and DALKIA," the Mayor said presenting the results of the new investor relations approach.

The city's infrastructure projects were presented at a number of important events, among them the roundtable session "Economy of New City" at the Moscow Office of Deloitte & Touche, the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, and traditional Investment Seasons in Tomsk.

The meetings resulted in the Made in Tomsk project, a trilateral agreement between Tomsk and Seversk City Administrations, and ROEL Group on joint implementation of the Modern Tram project, and a memorandum of understanding with a Finnish company Ruukki on implementation of state-of-the-art technologies in construction industries in Tomsk.

Also, Nikolay Nikolaychuk added, Tomsk was included in the list of 20 pilot projects of the federal program "New Industrialization of the Country" and now the City Administration is intensely working on enrolling in the pilot project of the Russian Ministry of Transport "Modernization of Public Transport" which launches this year.

As the Mayor said, today it is not possible to talk about investments without using the word "innovations". "It is especially important that the image of the innovative Tomsk be maintained not only for external experts but be obvious for any Tomsk citizen," he stressed. Among such "people's" projects Nikolay Nikolaychuk named the Wi-Fi access project implemented by the City Administration with the support of Tomsk universities and IT companies. A Wi-Fi access point was installed on the Novosobornaya Square and last year Wi-Fi access was made available on public transport.

Note: In 2011, 32bn rubles was invested in the city's economy.

Source: Tomsk City Administration Information Center
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