Investment Legislation
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The main law, regulating the investment activity on the territory of Tomsk Region, is the Tomsk Region Law №29-ОЗ from 18.03.2003 “On state support of investment activities in Tomsk Region”. A number of normative legal documents have been adopted in order to execute the above-mentioned Law.
- In order to provide favorable business environment in the Tomsk region there are key measures for the improvement of Tomsk region performance within the National rating of Russian regions investment climate
- In order to enhance efficiency of investment projects execution in the Tomsk region, the procedure for investment projects support has been developed
- Mechanism of regulation of activity in the industrial (industrial) parks in the Tomsk region defined
- Regulations on rendering various forms of state support are approved
- The regulations of consideration of the demand for reception of the state support are confirmed
- A direct communication channel for investors to timely address investment problems and issues is approved by
- Other legal documents in the sphere of investment activity
Tomsk Region Governor's Resolution № 27-а of 22.02.2008
«On granting subsidies to reimburse part of expenses incurred through goods manufacturing (realization), work fulfillment, services rendering in the context of implementation of investment projects»
The Tomsk Region Administration Resolution №172a of 14.06.2011
On Approval of the Regional Program "Improvment of the Investment Climate in the Tomsk Region in 2011-2014
Tomsk Region Governor Order №19-p of 13.03.2008
On Management of the Local Executive Authorities to Provide State Guarantees by the Tomsk Region (together with the "Regulation on Management of the Local Executive Authorities to Provide State Guarantees by the Tomsk Region")
The Tomsk Region Governor Order №219-p of 01.07.2008
On Procedure for Review of an Application for Government Financial Assistance as Additional Tax Benefits for Investors Carrying out Investment Activity as per Investment Projects
Tomsk Region Law № 148-ОЗ of 27.11.2003
«On organizations' property tax»
Tomsk Region Law № 77-ОЗ of 04.10.2002
«On transport tax»
Tomsk Region Law № 30-ОЗ of 13.03.2006
«On providing profit tax allowance to residents of a Special Technical-Innovation-Type Economic Zone»
The Tomsk Region Law No. 51-ОЗ of 07.04.2009
On Tax Rates for the Unified Tax levied as per the Simplified Tax System in the Tomsk Region
Tomsk Region Law № 44-ОЗ of 13.03.2008
On procedure for granting the Tomsk Region state guarantees
Tomsk Region Governor's Order № 7-р of 16.01.2008
«On making the Tomsk Region inventory of investment proposals and projects»